Memorial Day

In which I appropriate Memorial Day for the unwillingly sacrificed



In memoriam: 

Our sleep

Our easy breath

Our painless body

Our clear, sharp mind

Our settled heart


In memoriam: 

Our peace

Our birthright

Our indigenous lands 

Our sacred ancestral mysteries


In memoriam, 

life, again


Our shared experience 

recommend us as comrades.

We battle daily. 

Pieces of us transform,  

slough off, lost or 



We may harden, become dull, 

become blunt, become so 

afraid, live in perpetual 

apprehension, become ill, be 

unable to resource ourselves


In memoriam of those pieces of us, 

lay flowers where they fell 

where the ghost lingers



By the time you are in 

memoriam, you are already 

composted. What was once a part of you

is already in the ground.


Who will eat from your fertile 

body? How do you ensure it is 

you who consumes yourself. 

You, most of all. 


How do you stop a carrion eater. 

 How do you protect your 

composting body from violation.


The memory of all of who you were 

lives on in the collective that 

witnessed you. But in you, 

most of all. 


Remember me before the scalpel 

of capitalism cut away that piece, before 

the psychology of our being

 a living politic narrowed the path 

between heart and hand.


Recovery: A Liberatory Mindset


Interpersonal Predation & Systemic Oppression