Select Video Works


Black Glove: Androgynoire

Description: Black Glove: Androgynoire is about reaching through the body to initiate androgynoire, a conjured Black genderqueer identity. This work recognizes that there are layers of change, palimpsests of the self. All of which we hope to speak in one resounding voice, but which harbor newly examined, newly released or newly noticed selves in times of transformation.

To be featured in Posit Journal of Literature & Art, 2022

Date: 2021



Description: Testimony  is a work witnessing the experiences of indigenous Lagosians violently displaced from their traditional lands. The work calls on live, translated interviews with Indigenous elders which reveal the multiple functions of land: as a site of spiritual belonging, context for livelihood and purpose, and context for familial and communal relationship to cosmologies.  This work features translated interviews obtained in partnership with the Nigerian Slum/Informal Settlement Federation.

To be featured in Posit Journal of Literature & Art, 2022

Date: 2021


Coups in Daylight

Description: Coups in Daylight critically assesses the role of formal institutions in manufacturing states of emergency and fear as a means of social control. This video work weaves everyday audio and visuals imagery including highly policed public spaces (train stations, airports), juxtaposed against natural landscapes to reveal a psychopolitical sleight of hand and its consequences.

Date: 2018


Text to Speech Therapy

Date: 2017